I’ve heard it all; no one thinks it’ll ever work. Why bother? It’s too hard. Someone will cheat. You’ll miss each other too much. That’s impossible. Well I’m here to convince you that yes, you should stay with your boyfriend/girlfriend in college, it’s really not as awful as people make it sound. If you want to be single in college, go right ahead I respect that, I get it. You’re only young for so long so have fun, live it up, but if someone has become important enough to you, being far away from them and remaining loyal to them isn’t all that suck-y. If you’re uncertain about the person that you’re with, don’t even try because it will not work. In order for long-distance to work you both need to be 100% committed to each other, trust each other wholly and completely, and certain that you love each other unconditionally. Once you come to terms with that, you can go off to college and still be in love and still be loyal and still have a fun college experience.
It doesn’t suck because you love him/her. They have become your everything, your best friend (gag, I know), your homie, your ride-or-die, your bae, your lover (gag, again). I’m going to get very sappy here, but love is more important than any temptations or freedom or degree of difficulty. If you love them, you won’t let them go and you will find a way to make it work because at the end of the day, you will have each other and the love you share.
It doesn’t suck because it’s like being single, but without the migraine (and oftentimes creepiness) of being single. You can spend as much time as you want with your friends, you have plenty of free time, you have no distractions when it comes to school work, and you never, ever have to shave your legs. All you have to do is not flirt with other people and not cheat which is easy as pie if you have an inkling of self control. For those of you in a relationship like me, I don’t exactly get a pang of jealousy when some belligerent frat-dude tries to drown an innocent female party-goer with saliva.
It doesn’t suck because technology exists. Texts, phone calls, Snapchats, and Face-Time dates (a personal favorite) will get you through the hard stuff. I won’t lie to you, you’ll miss each other like hell and you’ll cry and you’ll be sad, but at the end of the day your boyfriend/girlfriend is only a phone call away and you’ll never be totally out of touch with him/her. Spend a Saturday night in and watch a movie together (virtually) or polish off a pint of ice cream and just talk; you’re spending time together and that’s what counts.
It doesn’t suck because it’s not forever. Sure, you may go a month or two or three without seeing each other, but there’s always a countdown. You will see each other eventually and all you can do is wait for it and know that it’s happening. No matter how sad you are when you don’t see him/her, all you can think about is how happy you will be when you’re re-united.
It doesn’t suck because it’s worth it. This is something that you must evaluate before you make the decision to continue long-distance. Speaking from personal experience, my boyfriend is worth every second that we are not together because there is no one like him and no one better than him, at least in my eyes. If this is how you feel about your significant other then long-distance, long shmistance; having him/her in your life and missing him/her is way better than not having him/her in your life at all.
Okay, so it sucks a little. You miss them, it’s sad, it’s hard, but it is worth it if you are happy with what you have and you are willing to work to keep it. You must first love each other, then you must completely trust each other, then you must talk about ways to make it work for you. If you want it bad enough, you can do it, I promise it doesn’t suck as much as you think it will, stay positive. Also, follow @shinliart on Instagram for some adorable long-distance inspo of half&half similarities between their lives apart (thanks for the perfect pictures).
The post Why Long-Distance Relationships Don’t Actually Suck appeared first on College Is My Life.