Reality as a college student can be harsh at times. Usually you’re far away from home, living meal swipe to meal swipe, drowning in assignment and papers, trying to gain an unrealistic amount of work experience, trying to take care of yourself, and maintain your sanity. On top of all of that, summer is nearing an end and with that it takes the sunshine, the warmth, the light, and the freedom. So, when you inevitably get hit with the wall of feeling overwhelmed and on the brink of mental breakdown, here are some stupid YouTube Videos to make you smile. Distract yo’self from real life and school and be happy for a minute or two.
10. Grape Lady Falls
A classic; a Fox News clip about a grape-stomping contest for an overnight vacation goes horribly wrong… volume all the way up and wait for it.
If you’re like me and you can’t stand Taylor Swift, this will make you wet your pants.
Or really any other video with the Loiter Squad and/or Tyler the Creator. Bonus points for a great college-life recipe in this one.
Here is a compilation of the “Simmer Down Now” skit from SNL’s golden era starring the one and only Cheri Oteri. Bring back the old cast, SNL!
6. My Bullshit Makeup Tutorial
This is every girl putting on makeup, don’t lie. We all think we’re professionals but we really just keep layering sh*t on until we look pretty. Her brutal honesty kills me.
I am in tears laughing trying to hyperlink all of these videos and this one is my favorite so far. There are even a few Pokemon Go references for you fanatics out there.
4. Inflatable Flip Cup With Chris Pine
The calisthenics at the beginning are my favorite.
3. Small Angry Man Yells At Trumpet Player in NYC
This short, little man has so much anger in him. I sense there are deeper issues with him and jazz music here…
2. Boston We Witnessin’ a Baby Whale Kid
This flabbergasted man cannot believe his eyes. Probably a tuna, maybe a baby whale, either way his harsh Boston accent and explicit disbelief is hilarious.
1. Baked in a Buttery, Flaky Crust
This old man just cannot get his line out, and every time he tries to say it and thinks it’s right, it just gets funnier. Especially when his wife can’t do it either. My #1 pick, sure to leave you in laugh-tears.
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