$400 for a Spanish book? Sure! $250 for a special edition law book? I’d love to! $300 for an access code? There is no better purpose in this world for my money. Spending money on textbooks is our favorite part of college, right? Wrong. Spending a thousand dollars on textbooks once or twice a year is quite literally insane and absurd and ridiculous and unfair and utterly, totally, wack. It blows my mind how much college students, who are already most likely doomed to a life of tuition-related student debt, must spend on materials for course they are already paying for. Especially when that book must be bought new, with an access code, or in some special professor-edited edition. Anyways, here are 5 thoughts that you probably have when dropping a chunk of change on something you might crack open once.
5. Is it actually that expensive?
I don’t believe my eyes. There is no way that renting a used copy of this old edition book costs more than just taking the course at the university. Must be a typo.
4. Okay, so do I really need it?
I mean I know we have homework in it three times a week and the test questions come straight out of it and the professor said it’s mandatory or else we’ll fail, but are we sure? I could get my friend’s sister’s ex-boyfriend’s friend’s friend that’s in that class to just send me pictures of it right?
3. Maybe I should just drop the class.
I know it’s a core introductory class for my major and necessary to graduate and impossible to get exempt from, but I’m sure there’s a way around it. Buying this textbook isn’t worth graduating anyways.
2. So how do they expect me to pay for this?
I eat ramen for three meals a day and sneak into student organization meetings for the occasional free slice of pizza. Once in a while I treat myself to a Gatorade with change I find in dorm hallways from these freshman that still get an allowance. I have no money.
1. No, I won’t do it and they can’t make me.
I’ll just take the L on this one. I refuse. I am so mad that they’re gonna charge me $300 for an access code that I’m just not gonna do it and retaliate by getting 0’s on every assignment. That’ll show ’em.
The post 5 Thoughts You Have While Buying Textbooks appeared first on College Is My Life.